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№ 1.623 Stem Discs for Finishing (fine) 12 mm in diameter, 40 pcs from TOR VM
№ 1.611 Stem Discs for Gross Reduction
8 mm in diameter, 40 pcs.
№ 1.612 Stem Discs for Contouring
8 mm in diameter, 40 pcs.
№ 1.613 Stem Discs for Finishing
8 mm in diameter, 40 pcs.
№ 1.614 Stem Discs for Polishing
8 mm in diameter, 40 pcs.
№ 1.610 Stem Polishing Discs
8 mm in diameter; 40 pcs.
• for gross reduction (№ 1.611) 10 pcs.
• or contouring (№ 1.612) 10 pcs.
• for finishing (№ 1.613) 10 pcs.
• for polishing (№ 1.614) 10 pcs.
• mandrel № 1.111 1 pc.
№ 1.621 Stem Discs for Gross Reduction
12 mm in diameter; 40 pcs.
№ 1.622 Stem Discs for Contouring
12 mm in diameter, 40 pcs.
№ 1.623 Stem Discs for Finishing
12 mm in diameter, 40 pcs.
№ 1.624 Stem Discs for Polishing
12 mm in diameter, 40 pcs.
№ 1.620 Stem Polishing Discs
12 mm in diameter, 40 pcs.
• for gross reduction (№ 1.621) 10 pcs.
• for contouring (№ 1.622) 10 pcs.
• for finishing (№ 1.623) 10 pcs.
• for polishing (№ 1.624) 10 pcs.
• mandrel № 1.111 1 pcs.
№ 1.631 Stem Discs for Gross Reduction
14 mm in diameter, 40 pcs.
№ 1.632 Stem Discs for Contouring
14 mm in diameter, 40 pcs.
№ 1.633 Stem Discs for Finishing
14 mm in diameter, 40 pcs.
№ 1.634 Stem Discs for Polishing
14 mm in diameter, 40 pcs.
№ 1.630 Stem Polishing Discs
14 mm in diameter, 40 pcs.
• for gross reduction (№ 1.631) 10 pcs.
• for contouring (№ 1.632) 10 pcs.
• for finishing (№ 1.633) 10 pcs.
• for polishing (№ 1.634) 10 pcs.
• Mandrel № 1.111 1 pcs.
№ 1.600 Stem Polishing Discs; 80 pcs.
8 mm in diameter:
• for gross reduction (№ 1.611) 5 pcs.
• for contouring (№ 1.612) 5 pcs.
• for finishing (№ 1.613) 5 pcs.
• for polishing (№ 1.614) 5 pcs.
12 mm in diameter:
• for gross reduction (№ 1.621) 5 pcs.
• for contouring (№ 1.622) 5 pcs.
• for finishing (№ 1.623) 5 pcs.
• for polishing (№ 1.624) 5 pcs.
14 mm in diameter:
• for gross reduction (№ 1.631) 5 pcs.
• for contouring (№ 1.632) 5 pcs.
• for finishing (№ 1.633) 5 pcs.
• for polishing (№ 1.634) 5 pcs.
14 mm in diameter, back abrasive:
• for gross reduction (№ 1.631) 5 pcs.
• for contouring (№ 1.632) 5 pcs.
• for finishing (№ 1.633) 5 pcs.
• for polishing (№ 1.634) 5 pcs.
Mandrel: mandrel № 1.111 1 pcs.
№ 1.020 Finishing and Polishing Kit.
discs, 14 mm in diameter, 48 pcs.:
• for gross reduction (№ 1.631) 12 pcs.
• for contouring (№ 1.632) 12 pcs.
• for finishing (№ 1.633) 12 pcs.
• for polishing (№ 1.634)
12 pcs.
finishing and polishing strips, 75 pcs.:
• for gross reduction (№ 1.050) 25 pcs.
• for contouring (№ 1.051) 25 pcs.
• for polishing (№ 1.052)
25 pcs.
mandrel, 2 pcs.:
• mandrel № 1.111 1 pcs.
How to operate
1. Remove excess composite and contour the restoration using a fine diamond or carbide bur.
2. Accurately open the package with discs to avoid squabbling and mixing of the discs and choose disc for gross reduction of necessary diameter.
3. Place disc for gross reduction by gentle pushing of the connector onto preliminary sterilized mandrel until the disc is secure connected (disc must not wobble on mandrel).
4. Start polishing at a speed not more than 10000 rpm. (speed and duration when using disc of another type – for details see the IFU).
5. When the polishing is finished wash away the residuals of polishing.
6. Remove the gross reduction disc from mandrel by positioning a thumbnail under the disc connector and pushing the disc away from the mandrel.
7. Place disc for contouring by gentle pushing of the connector onto mandrel until the disc is secure (disc must not wobble on mandrel) and repeat procedures 3 – 4 taking into account changed abrasiveness of the disc.
1. Do not use discs and mandrels on handpieces intended for speeds exceeding 30000 rpm to avoid the disc or mandrel damage that may lead to an injury.
2. Do not operate mandrel without disc.
3. Avoid contacting of mandrel or disc connector with composite – possible discoloration may require to repeat polishing once more.
4. Use successively discs of all 4 types – otherwise the quality of restoration polishing may be reduced.
5. Control quality of disc surface while operating. Rotational behavior and the appearance of the disc changes 10-15 seconds before separation or break. The visual appearance of the disintegrated disc is changed. Do not use discs with delaminated abrasive coating or damaged polymer part. This may cause tissue damage.
6. Control the cooling air supply during polishing to avoid dentin overheating.
7. Do not use polishing disc once more – discs are single-use device – second use can lead to:
– tissue infection,
– tissue damage caused by delamination of abrasive coating,
– tissue damage by parts of disintegrated disc,
– tissue damage caused by disconnection between disc and mandrel.
8. If package with discs or mandrels is broken or disrupted discs or mandrels prior to use must be sterilized by a standard method.
For details – please see IFU
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